Our Children Will Live on Boats

Kerala flood 2018 Financial Express
People will live on boats. Very soon. And no such rescue would be necessary.

The only tropical rain forests and pristine nature in the Indian subcontinent are under an unprecedented, catastrophic flood. Most people still do not understand the gravity of the situation: massive man-made climate change, combined with out of control capitalism.

As I said many times, it’s profit before people. This American model that India adopted is great evil: it’s destroying America, and it’s destroying India.

Indian rulers are greedy, corrupt, fanatic, bigots, and have no regard for science. Just the same way Christian fanatics called the Connecticut and Florida school children killed by gun violence sinners, Hindu fanatics in India are calling the Kerala flood victims sinners and beef eaters. It’s not only ridiculous. It’s also cruel.

India’s BJP government also refused to receive foreign aids, adding more suffering to the marooned and hapless people. Their supporters are busy on social media, ridiculing the “Muslims, Christians, and communists of Kerala.”

Weather: Monsoon rain causes flood in Kerala
Of course, thanks to big media and corporate politicians, even today, cricket and Bollywood and such money-driven games are top news. One billion helpless people’s lives are at the brink of extinction. Those who are exposing the truth, and criticizing the greed and profit-only system — the people in power are trashing them.

Prediction is, in one generation, climate catastrophe will practically submerge Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Bombay, Goa, Andhra, Orissa, West Bengal, and Bangladesh.

Read this World Economic Forum article: Why India is Most at Risk from Climate Change.

Our children will live on boats, fighting for food and water.

Kerala flood 2018 India Today


Partha Banerjee

Brooklyn, New York


Photo courtesy (only for non-profit, academic use)

  1. Boat rescue — The Financial Express
  2. Rope rescue — First Post
  3. Boat and bananas — India Today

Vacation in Vermont

Solitude. Green. Peace. Solitude. Green. Peace.

We just came back from a short vacation in Vermont. 

For those who don’t know, Vermont is a small, New England state in the Northeastern corner of the U.S. I don’t know how Vermont ranks among the fifty U.S. states on education, environment, health, employment, and other such important matters of life. But based on what I saw, I’m sure it is one of the best places to live in America.

Especially if you love nature. Mother Nature has created a paradise for the men, women and children of Vermont to live in. Thank you, Vermont, for keeping the hope of humanity alive.

We particularly want to thank two special friends — Nancy Romer of Brooklyn Food Coalition and Lew Friedman of the Killer Coke Campaign — for their warm hospitality. Staying with them made this vacation even more special.

For those of us who always lived in big cities such as New York, London, Delhi, Bombay or Calcutta, we perhaps do not understand how important it is to preserve our nature and environment, and how preserving our nature and environment is automatically linked to a long, healthy life. We, big city dwellers, have lost our connection with Mother Earth. We do not know how to breathe pure, uncontaminated air. We do not know how to walk in complete safety without the constant fear of being hit by a car. We have forgotten what solitude and quiet is.

Vermont reminded us of these forgotten, essential elements of human life that we have now taken for granted and therefore misused and abused.

Sustainable Farming. Revolt against Monsanto and GMO. Sustainable Farming. Revolt against Monsanto and GMO.

During our four days of stay in that little paradise state that also takes pride in its most progressive, pro-equality laws, we visited two small farms, and met the farmers. We were surprised to see the level of knowledge they had on issues such as climate change and global warming, neoliberal economics and rampant use of GMO through multinational corporations such as Monsanto, harmful foods and drinks mass-manufactured and commercialized through McDonald’s, Coke or KFC, and what an ordinary global citizen like us can do to prevent these disasters through our own change of lifestyle and food habits.

The farmers showed us how they are putting sustainable and organic farming into practice. And that they are doing okay economically too.

I looked at these farmers. Hard work, disciplined life, and healthy, environmentally sound food have stopped the aging process on their bodies. Gail and her husband, both perhaps in their sixties, are harvesting their maple trees to make Vermont’s famous maple syrup: they have their own small plant to do the sugaring themselves!

Happy, smiling faces — totally with Mother Nature and her peace.

Vermont can bring the poet out of your reluctant, resistant self. Being with trees and their tranquility can bring the lost humanity back in you.

Peacefully Reporting,


Brooklyn, New York


Soft. Quiet. Green. It's Raindrops and Poetry. Soft. Quiet. Green. Raindrops and Poetry.

President Obama, poor and powerless and proud, I shall still support you.

God Bless America!
God Bless America!

Congratulations, Mr. President Barack Obama, on your second term. I could not be happier that your official swearing-in ceremony now coincides with the Martin Luther King day. How auspicious!

If you are interested to know why I shall still support you, here’s my personal, 13-point oath in 2013:

1. Mr. President, even though you did not keep your 2008 promises for hope and change, I shall still support you.

2. Mr. President, even though you let the exposed criminals at Goldman Sachs, HSBC or such banks off the hook, I shall still support you.

3. Mr. President, even though you used 13 times more drone attacks than Bush did and killed many innocent people including women and children, I shall still support you.

4. Mr. President, even though you did not support the Wisconsin or Chicago labor and teacher’s strikes and not do anything about Employee Free Choice Act, I shall still support you.

5. Mr. President, even though your Israel-Palestine policy is no different from Bush-Cheney’s, I shall still support you.

6. Mr. President, even though you did not close down Guantanamo, and did put Bradley Manning behind prison, I shall still support you. (I know your big bosses are keeping an eye on my activities just the 1984 way, and that makes me…excited.)


7. Mr. President, even though you did not clamp down on NRA and gun fanatics and prevent loss of life innocent Americans including little children at Newtown, I shall still support you.

8. Mr. President, even though I know your next four years will be no different from your first four years, I shall still support you.

9. Mr. President, even though I know ordinary people like me will go through exactly the same extreme ordeal, price rises, uncertainties, stress, anxiety and fear, I shall still support you.

10. Mr. President, even though you did not do anything for a comprehensive immigration reform and let millions of undocumented, hard working, family-oriented immigrants go through extreme poverty and exploitation, I shall still support you.

11. Mr. President, even though you have done virtually nothing to address global warming and scary climate change, I shall still support you.

12. Mr. President, even though with your blessing, IMF, World Bank and Wall Street, and their multinational corporations such as Monsanto, GE, Wal-Mart, Exxon and Disney have unleashed economic terror and made their brand of global economy a sure recipé for more poverty and more disaster across the world,  I shall still support you.

13. Mr. President, I shall still support you because you and this wonderful, two-party plutocracy tell me we have no other choice.


Sincerely Writing,

A poor and powerless but proud U.S. citizen.

